Sunday, December 12, 2010

some connections

I'm not sure I've ever posted anything that's not my own work. That is surely not a good thing. At any rate, better late then never and you gotta start somewhere. Here are a couple of worthwhile connections to my own personal investigations:
number one:

Philippe Halsman - jumpology
Probably any first year photo student knows his work, but I came to it only recently. The parallels between what he was doing and what I am discovering are spot-on. When he asked people to jump for the camera, (or, in my case, pretend to float), "the mask falls", and much is revealed about the true nature of the one involved. Their body language tells so much. The excitement for me comes in collaging everyone together and discovering hidden relationships within the context of a swarm.

number two:
the swarm......


number three:
...why the many are smarter than the few...